Bard Guide
Bards are utterly fascenating people. At first, they might come off like an idiot, with rambling tangents and grand theories that seemingly go nowhere. But if you engage with them, you'll find an inner philosophy that's surpsingly fleshed out. Bards spend a lot of time inside their heads. This leads them to develop a strong, unshakeable internal philosophy, one they will follow above all else.
It's worth noting whatever code of conduct they form will be related to their aspect.
They're individualistic. Unlikely to change themselves to be more paletteable to those around them. Ignorant, or uninterested in adhering to the conventions of a "polite" society. All of these traits make it hard to tell much about what's going on in a bard's head just by observing them. But that's not a big deal, as they are more than willing to share their opinion on any topic under the sun. Chances are, they have a lot to say about everything, to anyone willing to listen.
These might seem like unproductive traits, but bards are amazing at giving advice, if channeled properly. They can say what other people are afraid to, providing a truly fresh and unique perspective. Don't be afraid to ask a bard for help. They might not leave you with a lot of constructive answers, but it will certainly be a lot to think about.
It can be easy to forget that bards are a passive class. They want to help people, they just have a weird way of manifesting it. They don't do a lot of reaching out first. Similar to rogues, they're mainly reactive - if they see a way to help, they will. But before that, they have problems figuring out when others are struggling. When they do decide to help, it'll be different than a rogue. More intense and sporadic. Less of a slap to the face and more of a slap to the soul.
This idea, of a bard being a rogue^2, applies to other aspects of their personality as well. Like rogues, they can see beyond the limiting scope of society, but they can see *more.* They go further. Rogues deal in instincts and vibes, bards are driven by whims and conspiracy. The government isn't simply bad, but responsible for dozens of cover-ups, assainations, and half the things going wrong with their life.
Prospit Bards
Leans closer to the wise stoner archetype. Life of the party, always down for a good time, but wise enough to floor you with a single sentance. Not that they would do that without cause, but never forget they have that ability.
Everyone forgets Gamzee is prospit. But he's hardly a good example, given how much time he spends either high or murdering people. I much prefer Darius from Atlanta - I think I used a clip of him earlier. His whole "two regrets" policy is very Bard, as is the way he talks to people, and the way he helps them. He's so off-putting and weird, but he doesn't care. He's figured out the person he wants to be, and the life he wants to have. About as self-actualized as a bard can be.
Derse Bards
Derse bards somehow have even less self awareness than their prospit counterparts. Always pushing the joke too far, always bringing up something when they know they shouldn't. They truly don't care what anyone thinks about them, perhaps less than any other class.
Rorscrach from Watchmen is a great example, especially considering how much of the early chapters are from his perspective. He has this super complicated, esoteric belief system, and he follows it no matter what. Even if it's unpopular, offensive, or inheritly contradictory. Honestly, just read the first few chapters if you want a feel for what a derse bard is like.
Closing Thoughts
I really don't get bards. I don't think anyone does. Their minds are like Rube Goldberg machines. Every thought goes through so many complicated passes, what comes out of their mouth is always unconnected and weird. That's not a big deal or anything, but it's making it hard for me to find some cohesive statement to tie this together.
If you are a bard, I don't know what you're doing here. You probably have your own personality test theory you've been working on. What do you need me for? You already have your own way of seeing reality, and interpreting it in a way that clicks for you. Go for it. Share it with anyone who asks. It's more helpful than you might think.
Find some way to get your ideas out there. Write a book, start a youtube channel, create a blog - anything that lets you share some of this unique, homebrew philosophy with the world. Your ideas will resonate with people, and add some value to the world. Outside of that, keep doing you. Keep being weird, and thinking of the world in a unique way. It's important work.