Rogue of Light

Classpect Guide


Heir Guide

Heirs are the nicest, kindest, most genuine people you've ever met. They radiate positivity, bringing people together like the heat from a bonfire. They fall into an autopilot mode around others, instictually knowing how to make them feel seen. The core of many friend groups, you know one for a few months, and it's like you've known them your entire life. Heirs want to help people, simple as that.

But it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Heirs are friendly and amicable to everybody - even people who don't derserve it. Their autopilot makes it hard for them to identify a bad friend, or recognize when they're being manipulated. They're prone to putting their trust in the wrong people, in ways that hurt others around them. It's a tricky lesson to learn - not everybody thinks like them, and not everyone has good intentions.

See: John and Vriska

Heirs despise conflict, championing the phrase "can't we all just get along?" They're willing to do almost anything to keep the peace, even if it ends up worse in the long run. It's not that they're naive, they just try to see the best in people, and strive to find a solution that helps everyone.

Heirs need to learn to turn the autopilot off, and learn how to open up. They're good at keeping conversations going and finding people to hang out with at parties, but fail at making deeper connections. Especially when they've spread themselves thin. It's common for heirs to be aquantances with dozens of people, without any close friends. This causes them to become lonely and isolated. Able to talk with anyone, but unable to forge deep connections.

You know who I'm talking about. The kid in high school who everybody liked. Who got along with every crowd, who did sports, and made good grades. But he didn't hang out with anyone outside of school. Nobody stayed in touch with him after graduation. It's tragic, for someone with a gift of making people feel loved and appreciated to end up so isolated.

The big lesson for Heirs is that they need to look after themselves. Their insticts swing deeply utilitarian, and they are prone to putting everyone else's needs above their own. If you derive your self worth from the way you help others, you'll run yourself ragged trying to make everyone around you happy.

Prospit Heirs

Similar to pages, prospit heirs are probably the first thing you thought of when reading. They can take a lot of forms. Surprisngly down to earth jocks. Adorkable nerds who can't resist esposuing on whatever they're currently into (Scott the Woz, anybody?). Silly, loveable goofballs who everybody loves for some unexplainable reason. It's easy to see a bit of John in each of these, and as far as "true north" goes, he is a fine example.

Derse Heirs

Pretty hard to define. Homestuck gives us Equius as an example, but there's not a lot to glean from him. He's a weird kid, living in a weird, backwards alien society, going through an intense puberty. Derse heirs have rougher edges. Passionate ramblings are darker, and are more concerned with things they dislike, than things they like. There's more of a willingness to resort to violence if the situation calls for it. Equius has that down at least.

Closing Thoughts

In the lore of Homestuck, Heirs start out as the most powerful players in their sessions, but their max strength caps out pretty quick. This is pretty analogous to how heirs work in real life. They start out being comfortable with themselves, and knowing how to make friends. They don't have the same long journey of self-actualization that other classes have, which could be seen as a good or bad thing. They know themselves, but there's rarely motivation to know themselves.

If you are an heir, I don't have much to say to you. Chances are, you're pretty comfortable with who you are, and what your life is about. You're probably not causing problems for the people around you, and if you are, they're small and easy to fix. Keep at it, just remember a few things. Don't be afraid to disagree on something, or call out asshole behavior. Most people don't think like you, and have your pure intentions. It's better to rip out a tumor than let it fester.

Have fun. For god's sake, you're an heir. An inheritance is no good if you hoard it. Share some of that natural charisma and social skills with the people who lack it. Make them feel seen. Make sure good ideas are heard, and the people behind them recognized. You have a wonderful gift, use it well.